Irish Limerick Provincial Silver Sugar Bowl John Hackett C.1780 Very Rare SOLD

by Louis Wine

Irish Limerick Provincial Silver Sugar Bowl John Hackett C.1780 Very Rare

Very Rare Irish Provincial Silver Sugar Bowl, mark of John Hackett C.1780. Height: 6.35 cm Width: 12.7 cm. Weight: 168 grams. Condition: Very good. The swirl fluted body with wavy crimped everted rim and small foliate interval decoration, raised on three shell knuckle stepped hoof feet. The decoration around the base interior and underside of a repeated pattern of tapered and punch like alternate foliate flutes conforming to upper body swirl design. Crest that of demi lion rampant grasping a pennant. John Hackett was recorded as being located at Pennywell Road Limerick in 1770

Limerick Silver is very scarce and prized. In this case the small foliate impressions are noted for provincial rather than Dublin silver and typify the vernacular distinctiveness of this Limerick bowl. There was no assay office known to have existed in Limerick. For security reasons and to save on duty, relatively little silver made in Ireland’s regional towns and cities was sent to Dublin for official assay. Instead, local silversmiths stamped their own wares with a maker’s mark and the word Sterling, or occasionally a town mark. Like Cork, the Limerick silversmiths seem to have the word Sterling or variations during the 18th century – early 19th century. Most domestic silver made in Limerick dates from the 18th and early 19th centuries. Throughout this time, only 110 silversmiths worked in the city and many of these also ran other businesses such as clock making.

Ref: Similar Example of Bowl Limerick Museum Bowl
Collection object
Identifier: 1985.0055
Dimensions: H. 7.25 Exterior depth bowl 5.1 D. rim 13.3 D. neck 11.9 D. body 12.2 H. legs 4.9 W. shells 2.3 C18th
Bowl, Limerick silver sugar bowl, makers initials M.C.

Ref: Similar Example. Christies New York April 20th, 2001.
Circa 1770, mark probably that of John Hackett, Limerick
Circular on three hoof feet headed by shells, the body chased with swirling flutes alternating with beading and foliage, with crenellated rim, engraved under the base with block initials H over I.E, marked under base 4¼in. (10.8cm.) diameter; 4oz. 10dwt. (144gr.)

Ref: Sotheby’s New York 29th October 2013
An Irish silver sugar bowl, maker’s mark IB probably for Jonathan Buck, Jr., Limerick and Cork, circa 1770 Estimate 5,000 – 6,000 USD Condition: splits.

Louis Wine

Louis Wine Ltd., Toronto specialists in Antique Silver , Antique Jewellery & Decorative Arts, are a 4th generation family business.Louis Wine (1865-1946) founded the company in Dublin, Ireland in 1880. Louis Wine began selling to silver collectors in Dublin from a shop in historic Wellington Quay. In 1908, he located on Dublin's fashionable Grafton Street. To the firm came the worlds leading Georgian Silver collectors. Pieces by Paul de Lamerie, Paul Storr, Hester Bateman and Irish Georgian Silver were constantly on display. Our gallery run by Richard (Louis Wine's great grandson) in Yorkville Toronto, displays a range of fine Antique Silver, Old Sheffield Plate, Antique Jewellery & Decorative Arts from the 18th-20th century, including Bateman, Storr, Ramsden, Tiffany, Knox, Liberty, Jensen, Christopher Dresser.