About the IADA

What is the Irish Antique Dealers Association?
The Irish Antique Dealers Association (IADA) is the trade association for the leading antique dealers in the island of Ireland. Since its foundation in 1969 the IADA has set the standard for trading in the antiques business in Ireland. The IADA’s main aim is to establish and maintain confidence between its members and the public in buying and selling. There are currently approximately 50 IADA members countrywide.

The IADA is run by its elected President, 2 elected Vice Presidents, an appointed Hon. Secretary, an elected Hon. Treasurer and an elected Council of 7 members who all attend the regular IADA Council meetings.

Election of IADA members
Members are elected to the IADA for their integrity, sound business standards and expertise in their specialist field. Members are required to adhere vigorously to the IADA Code of Conduct. To maintain standards membership is reviewed annually and any member who falls short of the standards expected of them will not have their membership renewed.

Safeguards for Clients
The Association provides safeguards for those who deal with its members, including independent arbitration if disputes arise.
In the unlikely event that there should have been a mistake in the description of an item the IADA expects its members to make a full refund of the purchase price.

Thus, if there is a dispute between a IADA member and his/her customer it can be taken to the IADA’s free Arbitration Service rather than the law courts — an often protracted and expensive experience. A panel of at least three experts in the appropriate field will be formed. These leading antique dealers from across the country will independently judge whether an object was correctly described at the time of sale. The IADA Arbitration Service provides, at no cost to the consumer, a rapid resolution using the same experts who would be likely to be called as expert witnesses in a legal action. To avail of this Arbitration Service please contact the President or The Hon. Secretary (Ian Haslam, The Silver Shop, 23b Powerscourt Townhouse Centre, Dublin 2).

Contact the IADA

To contact us, please email info@iada.ie, or write to Ian Haslam, Hon Secretary IADA, The Silver Shop, 23b Powerscourt Townhouse Centre, Dublin 2

The Irish Antique Dealers Association was officially born on the 6th May 1969.

It was formed by the original subscribers who were at that time the backbone of the Irish Antique Trade, namely;

George Stacpoole of Limerick – still trading

Leonard Clarke of Cork – deceased

Gerald Kenyon of Dublin – retired

John O’Reilly of Dublin – deceased

Hyman Danker of Dublin – deceased

Ronald McDonnell of Dublin – deceased

Paul Johnston of Dublin – business still trading, being run by Chris Johnston

Alec Wine of Dublin – deceased

As you can see the antique business, like its stock in trade, goes on and on!

One of the main reasons for its formation is given in its Memorandum as;

“To promote just and honourable practices in the Antique Trade and to suppress any malpractices”

“To promote settlement of disputes by reconciliation or arbitration”

“To sponsor or organise lectures for the diffusion or improvement of knowledge regarding Antiques”

aspirations which are just as worthy and enduring today as ever they were.

The original Officers were;

Hon. Life President: Harry Wine

President: Ronald A McDonnell

Vice Presidents: Alex Wine & Tony Thomson

Honorary treasurer: Leonard Clarke

Secretary: John O’Reilly

Council Members: H. Danker, G. Kenyon, P. Johnston, G. Stacpoole & R. MacHenry

The Irish Antique Dealers Association was one of the first truly all Ireland bodies, having 2 Belfast dealers, Tony Thompson as Vice President and Robert MacHenry, a Council Member.

Originally, in 1970 there were approximately 25 members of the IADA, a number which has since grown to around 55 Members in 2017.

The IADA Council continues to monitor legislation which affects Antiques, should it arise in Ireland or the E.U. and prides itself in being the Body the Government has consulted on many occasions regarding proposed legislation affecting antiques. For example, the EU recently introduced a ban on mercury which would have prohibited the trade in antique mercurial barometers. The IADA was jointly responsible for securing an exemption from the EU which now permits the sale of antique barometers.

The IADA is also a member of CINOA, Confédération Internationale des Négociants en Oeuvres d’Art.

CINOA is the umbrella body of Antique & Fine Art Associations throughout the world. Its members comprise 31 Art and Antique Associations from 21 countries and are drawn from Australia, Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Republic of Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia & CIS, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.